Recycling of catalysts, residues, dusts, sludges
Recycling of materials from a wide range of industrial sectors such as
- foundry and semi-finished producers
- the chemical and petrochemical industry
- the petroleum refining industry
- the food and cosmetics industry
- Fertiliser production
- the pharmaceutical industry
containing waste in form of: Skimmings, dross, dust, filterdust, filtercake, ballmill dust, runnings, slag, sludge, grindings, hydroxide sludge, scale, sweepings
- Cu, CuZn, CuSn, CuNi, CuPb, CuSi,AlBz, Ms, SoMs, Rg ,PbBz
- Ni NiCu, NiZn, NiCo, NiCr, NiCuCo, NiCoMn, NiCoAl
- Co, CoMn, CoAl
- V, VNi
- W, WC
- Mo
Wastes in the form of spent catalysts and chemical residues containing:
- Cu-, CuNi-, CuZn-, CuSn, CuCr, CuBi
- Ni, NiZn, NiMo/CoMo, NiMoV, V, FeMo, Zn