Non-ferrous metal containing residues from the metallurgical producing industries and from Galvanic sludge give rise to new concentrates of non-ferrous metals such as nickel, cobalt, Zinc and copper. Further metallurgical and chemical processes refine these to non-ferrous-metal concentrates and to Ni, Cu, Co and V chemicals. The starting materials for this are besides residues such as dusts, sludges, ashes, drosses and runnings also spent catalysts from the petrochemicals sector, fat hydrogenation and the chemical industry. Having been upgraded in the first step, the intermediates obtained serve as the basis to produce raw-material and of new catalysts or chemicals for use in the petroleum industry or surface technology, for example.
- Cu-, CuZn-containing concentrates
- granules
- metallics
All stated qualities according to customer specification.
- Zn-containing concentrates
- ZnCu-containing concentrates
All stated qualities according to customer specification.
EN: fehlender Text Cobalt concentrates
EN: fehlender Text Vanadium concentrates
EN: fehlender Text Molybdenum concentrates
EN: fehlender Text Nickel concentrates
EN: fehlender Text Tungsten concentrates