New non-ferrous metal concentrates are created from electroplating sludge and residues from the metal industry as well as used catalysts from petroleum chemistry, fat hydrogenation and the chemical industry as well as Li-ion batteries from electromobility. Refining to nickel, copper, cobalt and vanadium chemicals takes place in further processes. These are the basis for new catalysts, batteries or chemicals that are used, for example, in the petroleum industry, automotive, energy storage technology, surface technology or agriculture.
We process copper chloride etching solutions from the production of printed circuit boards. This creates hydrochloric acid, which is returned to the manufacture of printed circuit boards. This process also produces copper sulphate, which is required in surface technology and the chemical industry.
- surface technology (nickel plating)
Specification: (analysis from original state)
- Nickel ( Ni ) min. 22.0 %
- Cobalt ( Co ) max. 0.500 %
- Copper ( Cu ) max. 0.002 %
- Iron ( Fe ) max. 0.002 %
- Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.003 %
- Lead (Pb ) max. 0.001 %
- Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 0.001 %
- Arsenic (As) max. 0.001 %
- Insoluble in sulphuric acid max. 0.01 %
- surface technology (nickel plating)
Specification: (analysis from original state)
- Nickel ( Ni ) min. 23.7 %
- Cobalt ( Co ) max. 0.100 %
- Copper ( Cu ) max. 0.002 %
- Iron ( Fe ) max. 0.005 %
- Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.003 %
- Lead (Pb ) max. 0.001 %
- Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 0.001 %
- Arsenic ( As ) max. 0.001 %
- Insolubles in sulphuric acid max. 0.010 %
- metal finishing
- pigments
- ceramic
Specification: (analysis from original state)
- Cobalt ( Co ) min. 20,5 %,
- Nickel ( Ni ) max. 0.1000 %,
- Iron ( Fe ) max. 0.0020 %,
- Copper ( Cu ) max. 0.0020 %,
- Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.0050 %
- Lead ( Pb ) max. 0.0020 %,
- Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 0.0010 %,
- Arsenic ( As ) max. 0.0020 %,
- Insoluble in sulphuric acid max. 0.0100 %
- catalyst manufacturing
Specification: on request
- plating
- fertilizer
- catalyst manufacturing
Specification: (analysis from original state)
- Copper ( Cu ) min. 23.5 %
- Nickel ( Ni ) max. 0.0080 %
- Iron ( Fe ) max. 0.0130 %
- Cobalt ( Co ) max. 0.0020 %
- Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.0280 %
- Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 0.0001 %
- Arsenic ( As ) max. 0.0006 %
- Chloride ( Cl ) max. 0.0050 %
- free acid (as sulphuric acid) max. 2.0 %
- preliminary product for pesticide production
Specification: (analysis from original state)
- Copper(Cu) min. 56 %
- Zinc (Zn) max. 0,200 %
- Lead (Pb) max. 0,005 %
- Sodium (Na) max. 2,0 %
- moisture: max. 3,0 %
- electronic industry
- etching medium for PCB manufacture
Specification: (analysis from original state)
- HCl-content min. 30.0 %,
- Lead ( Pb ) max. 0.5 ppm;
- Calcium ( Ca ) max. 20.0 ppm;
- Iron (Fe) max. 1.0 ppm;
- Copper ( Cu ) max. 0.2 ppm;
- Magnesium ( Mg ) max. 10.5 ppm;
- Sodium ( Na ) max. 10.5 ppm;
- Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.5 ppm;
- pigments production
Specification: on request
- plating
- catalysts
- batteries
Specification: (analysis from original state)
- Nickel( Ni ) 13,5 – 14.5 %
- Cobalt ( Co ) max. 500 mg/ kgNi;
- Copper ( Cu ) max. 20 mg/ kgNi;
- Iron ( Fe ) max. 50 mg/ kgNi;
- Zinc ( Zn ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
- Lead ( Pb ) max. 20 mg/ kgNi;
- Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
- Arsenic (As ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
- Manganese ( Mn ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
- Aluminium ( Al ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
- Chromium ( Cr ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
- Calcium ( Ca ) max. 100 mg/ kgNi;
- Magnesium ( Mg ) max. 20 mg/ kgNi;
- Sulphate SO4 max. 2000 mg/ kgNi;
- Ammonium (NH4) max. 5000 mg/ kgNi; Density ( 20°C ) approx. 1.5 kg/dm3; pH 1 to 4