
We recover metal concentrates containing nickel, copper, zinc or precious metals from etching solutions, spent electrolytes and rinsing water from the surface finishing industry. These are then further processed in additional metallurgical processes to produce basic chemicals up to pure metals. In this way we return the metals contained in these wastes to the economic cycle in a variety of ways.
In addition, we are developing new recycling processes to allow us to close the material cycle for increasingly complex metal-bearing wastes.


  • surface technology (nickel plating)

Specification: (analysis from original state)

  • Nickel ( Ni ) min. 22.0 %
  • Cobalt ( Co ) max. 0.500 %
  • Copper ( Cu ) max. 0.002 %
  • Iron ( Fe ) max. 0.002 %
  • Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.003 %
  • Lead (Pb ) max. 0.001 %
  • Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 0.001 %
  • Arsenic (As) max. 0.001 %
  • Insoluble in sulphuric acid max. 0.01 %


  • surface technology (nickel plating)

Specification: (analysis from original state)

  • Nickel ( Ni ) min. 23.7 %
  • Cobalt ( Co ) max. 0.200 %
  • Copper ( Cu ) max. 0.002 %
  • Iron ( Fe ) max. 0.005 %
  • Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.003 %
  • Lead (Pb ) max. 0.001 %
  • Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 0.001 %
  • Arsenic ( As ) max. 0.001 %
  • Insolubles in sulphuric acid max. 0.010 %


  • metal finishing
  • pigments
  • ceramic

Specification: (analysis from original state)

  • Cobalt ( Co ) min. 20,5 %,
  • Nickel ( Ni ) max. 0.1000 %,
  • Iron ( Fe ) max. 0.0020 %,
  • Copper ( Cu ) max. 0.0020 %,
  • Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.0050 %
  • Lead ( Pb ) max. 0.0020 %,
  • Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 0.0010 %,
  • Arsenic ( As ) max. 0.0020 %,
  • Insoluble in sulphuric acid max. 0.0100 %


  • catalyst manufacturing

Specification: on request


  • plating
  • fertilizer
  • catalyst manufacturing

Specification: (analysis from original state)

  • Copper ( Cu ) min. 23.5 %
  • Nickel ( Ni ) max. 0.0080 %
  • Iron ( Fe ) max. 0.0130 %
  • Cobalt ( Co ) max. 0.0020 %
  • Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.0280 %
  • Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 0.0001 %
  • Arsenic ( As ) max. 0.0006 %
  • Chloride ( Cl ) max. 0.0050 %
  • free acid (as sulphuric acid) max. 2.0 %


  • preliminary product for pesticide production

Specification: (analysis from original state)

  • Copper(Cu) min. 56 %
  • Zinc (Zn) max. 0,200 %
  • Lead (Pb) max. 0,005 %
  • Sodium (Na) max. 2,0 %
  • moisture: max. 3,0 %


  • electronic industry
  • etching medium for PCB manufacture

Specification: (analysis from original state)

  • HCl-content min. 30.0 %,
  • Lead ( Pb ) max. 0.5 ppm;
  • Calcium ( Ca ) max. 20.0 ppm;
  • Iron (Fe) max. 1.0 ppm;
  • Copper ( Cu ) max. 0.2 ppm;
  • Magnesium ( Mg ) max. 10.5 ppm;
  • Sodium ( Na ) max. 10.5 ppm;
  • Zinc ( Zn ) max. 0.5 ppm;


  • pigments production

Specification: on request


  • plating
  • catalysts
  • batteries

Specification: (analysis from original state)

  • Nickel( Ni ) 13,5 – 14.5 %
  • Cobalt ( Co ) max. 500 mg/ kgNi;
  • Copper ( Cu ) max. 20 mg/ kgNi;
  • Iron ( Fe ) max. 50 mg/ kgNi;
  • Zinc ( Zn ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
  • Lead ( Pb ) max. 20 mg/ kgNi;
  • Cadmium ( Cd ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
  • Arsenic (As ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
  • Manganese ( Mn ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
  • Aluminium ( Al ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
  • Chromium ( Cr ) max. 10 mg/ kgNi;
  • Calcium ( Ca ) max. 100 mg/ kgNi;
  • Magnesium ( Mg ) max. 20 mg/ kgNi;
  • Sulphate SO4 max. 2000 mg/ kgNi;
  • Ammonium (NH4) max. 5000 mg/ kgNi; Density ( 20°C ) approx. 1.5 kg/dm3; pH 1 to 4

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